

Digital Cities - Water Utilities

A digital twin application employing a leveled approach to monitoring and optimization. A comprehensive overview of the city's water infrastructure, including flood prediction analytics. The focus then shifts to individual pump stations, integrating efficiency monitoring at each site. The app drills down to detailed insights into the performance of each pump, ensuring thorough and efficient management of the city's water systems.

Mining - Surface Processing Plant

An Image map to show mapped recommendations, drill down enabled to illustrate a specific asset's details.

Manufacturing - Golden Batch Coffee

A digital twin application offering real-time monitoring of a coffee batch roasting asset, providing insights & optimizing operations through machine learning to predict quality and steer towards golden batch signatures.

Quick Guide - XMPro Notebook

This guide is designed to help you become familiar with the essential features of the XMPro Notebook and provide you with the necessary knowledge to start configuring AI solutions within the platform.

Asset Monitoring using regression

Using crusher data to predict the liner wear for a crusher asset.

Asset Monitoring using forecasting

Using crusher data to forecast vertical travel based on past values.

Asset Monitoring using binary classification

Asset monitoring of smart meters through the use of a binary classification model on real-time data.

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