Manufacturing - Golden Batch Coffee

A digital twin application offering real-time monitoring of coffee roasting batch processing, providing insights & optimizing quality to align with a golden batch signature using machine learning.

Import Password Dem0nstr@t1on
How to Import Click Here


An overview of the current and previous batch processes that drill down to individual batches. The real-time monitoring of the batch provides real-time data and status of the process including intelligent suggestions to steer the quality towards a golden batch signature. The application is configured using:

Landing Page [1.0 Batches]

Block Description
Linear Gauge To visualize the batch progress
Recommendations To view current open recommendations for all batches
Indicator To visually indicate the active batch

Drilldown [2.0 Batch]

Block Description
Linear Gauge To visualize the batch progress
D3 A visualization to show the live temperature values
Sparkline A sparkline to indicate the rate of change for quality
Chart To display the live operational data
Recommendations To view current open recommendations for the batch


The recommendation is configured using two rules across one recommendation:

Data Stream

An example of how to contextualize simulated data, predict batch quality, receive intelligent suggestions, run recommendations and output the batch roaster data to the Application Designer. The data stream is configured using:

Agent Description
CSV Listener Simulate the batch data
Calculated Field Setting the model paths dynamically
JSON Serializer Package the data into a JSON object
Python Run the Golden Batch model
JSON Deserializer Unpack the results
Alter Attributes Unpack the intelligent suggestions
Broadcast Broadcast data to other agents
XMPro App View data in the App Designer
Run Recommendation Pass the data to the Recommendation engine to evaluate

Steps to Import

1. Create/confirm variables

Ensure the following variables are available to be used in the data stream:

  • App Designer URL
  • App Designer Integration Key (Encrypted)

2. Run the XMPro Notebooks

  • Run the first Notebook to prepare the data with expected output:
    • roaster.csv & clean.parquet in data folder
  • Run the second Notebook to develop the machine learning model with expected output:
    • gb_pca.sav, gb_pls.sav & in models folder
  • Save model files in location that is accessible by the Stream Host

3. Import the Data Stream

  • Select the highest agent version number on import, if prompted
  • Assign Access to others as required
  • XMPro agents () - ensure the URL & Integration Key are selected
  • Recommendation agent () - ensure the URL & Integration Key are selected
  • Calculated Field () - ensure the correct model file paths are configured
  • Python agent () - ensure the correct Python version is selected, a stream host has access to a Python runtime, the paths are set and the script is applied. OR
  • MLFLow agent () - ensure the correct model version is selected and the stream host has access to the MLFlow server.
  • Click Apply and save the data stream
  • Publish the data stream and open the live view
  • Ensure there is data in the live view by monitoring the agents

4. Import the Recommendations

  • Map the data stream to import
  • Assign Access to others as required

5. Import the Application

  • Map the data source on import:

    • Landing Page:
    Data Source Name Data Stream Agent Option
    Data Coffee Roasting Golden Batch - Python/MLFlow Send to Application for viewing
    Data Chart Coffee Roasting Golden Batch - Python/MLFlow Send to Application for viewing chart
  • Assign Access to others as required
  • Ensure the App Data connection properties are configured and valid
  • Edit the application to link the recommendations (Select Golden Batch - Coffee Roasting in Block Properties under Behavior)

    Page Location
    1.0 Batches Bottom Right
    2.0 Batch Bottom Right
  • Save the application
  • Publish the application
  • Ensure there is data in the application and that the Unity model is receiving its data by hovering over and observing the values
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