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Manufacturing - Golden Batch Coffee

A digital twin application offering real-time monitoring of a coffee batch roasting asset, providing insights & optimizing operations through machine learning to predict quality and steer towards golden batch signatures.

Quick Guide - XMPro Notebook

This guide is designed to help you become familiar with the essential features of the XMPro Notebook and provide you with the necessary knowledge to start configuring AI solutions within the platform.

Use Case Canvas - Template

An application that provides the structure for you to fill in with your use case details.

Styled Card Display

This widget is designed with versatility in mind, offering two distinct formats for presenting information.

Message Box

This widget incorporates a versatile text input field, providing users with the option to either manually enter text or load existing data into it.

List with Indicator - Static

This widget is structured with three distinct columns, each serving a specific purpose: the title column, the indicator column, and the data status column.

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