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Colored Card Outline Single - 2 Columns

This widget boasts a single border design, providing an efficient two-column layout for your value-pair content.

Colored Card Display Alternative - 2 Columns

This widget consists of two columns featuring dynamic value pairs, and it also includes two columns with borders that can be selected or customized according to your preferences.

Bad Actors

This widget is comprises of six (6) title-value components along with a heading. These title-value components serve as informative building blocks, offering quick access to key metrics.

Alert Count Rollup with Sub Heading

This widget includes a heading and a subheading where you can enter the title and an additional description to provide further context for the title.

Asset - Heat Exchanger View

A live-data application for a heat exchanger asset, displaying metrics, usage profile, operational safety intelligence, historical data, and recommendations.

Static Alert Count Rollup

This widget is structured with a title and a graphical chart positioned on the left side, while on the right side, there is another title paired with a corresponding numerical value.

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