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Header Status

This widget offers two distinct states: Running and Not Running, serving as valuable indicators for the data or functionality integrated within the widget.

Gauge Style - No Heading

This widget comprises two primary components: the description and the circular gauge. The description provides textual information or context, typically explaining the data or the purpose of the gauge.

Data Tile with Sub Heading

Within this widget, you'll find both a heading and a subheading, complemented by a linear gauge and a value field.

Data Tile with Sub Heading - No Content Card

This widget includes a main title, a subheading, an indicator, and more detailed content below.

Content with Overall Indicator

This widget includes a main title, a subheading, an indicator, and more detailed content below.

Content with Indicator

This widget includes a main title, a subheading, an indicator, and more detailed content below.

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